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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 game guide.

Act I: Team Player

Protect the Bridge Layer

Training's over soldier, now this is war. Immediately seek cover behind the truck (or inside the building) on the left and just hang tight for a while. Don't bother shooting the targets across the river yet, and instead conserve your ammo. Switch to your grenade launcher when the on-screen message indicates so just to appease it (by tapping left on the control-pad), though we recommend switching back to your rifle afterward. Before long, a truck will drop off some enemies on the far end of the bridge--pick them off from behind the truck by using your rifle's sights.

Get in Your Humvee

After killing the enemies that departed from the truck, hightail it to the Humvees via the staircase on the left. Climb inside the closest vehicle that pulls up, with the flashing yellow seat.

Stand by for Airstrike

We know you'll be tempted to try out the mounted gatling gun, but resist firing until after the next objective appears, when you stop at the large building with enemies on the rooftop.

Destroy Targets of Opportunity

Upon reaching the large enemy-infested building, feel free to open fire. But don't worry about being too accurate as--at least on the lower difficulties--you cannot die during this segment (unless you blow up a nearby vehicle, so try not to do that). After pulling out, you'll wind up on a short roller coaster ride through the city before being flipped over by an RPG. Immediately seek cover inside the building on the right.

Inside the building? Good--approach the staircase ahead and shoot the enemy coming down stairs. Now climb up it slowly, so that your head is just barely peeking over the floor, allowing you to target the enemies ahead from relative safety. Once you've taken down one or two, consider climbing up and targeting the remaining enemies through the door from the right side of the room.

Push forward to the back room, ready for any additional enemies, including any injured ones who may be crawling along the ground. Take cover below the window until your squad darts outside--follow them across the street and into the school.

Terminate the Enemy Presence in the School

As soon as you enter the school, crouch behind the sandbags and target the enemies ahead. Clear out the classroom on the right (which may contain two enemies) before climbing the staircase in the back. After entering the hallway at the top, take cover behind the boxes on the right and peek around them to take down a pair of enemies by the windows ahead.

With the hall clear, take cover by the next corner (just past the classroom) to clear out the enemies around it. As you approach the room at the end of that second hall, get ready to take cover on either side in order to target enemies that storm in ahead. Push forward to that room and use the central column as a shield while you target enemies down a third corridor.

Intel (1/2)
Look for this intel on the second floor of the school, in the classroom just before you exit outside.

With the area clear, exit out the left side of the hall and follow your squad down the street to an alley on the right. Hang back and take aim at the enemies that dart in ahead.

Intel (2/2)
Immediately after exiting the school, you'll find this intel on a crate adjacent to a taxi.

Report to General Shepard at the Rally Point

With the first wave down, push forward to the green car and target an enemy inside the room on the left. Continue further up to a gate on the left and shoot any enemies visible through it (you can crouch down below the wall for cover too).

Now get ready to shoot one more enemy that makes himself visible in the corridor ahead, then follow your squad up the alley to the helicopter, where you'll complete the mission.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 game guide

Act I: S.S.D.D

Shoot the Targets

You heard the man! Grab the weapon from the table before you by holding "X" (360) or "Triangle" (PS3) while looking at it. After grabbing your weapon, spin around and begin shooting the targets while firing from the hip (that is, don't look down the weapons' sight). As the sergent points out, shooting from the hip gets the job done, but is widely inaccurate. Now try crouching first (which stabilizes your aim) and look down the weapon's sights (by holding left-trigger) to aim for the remaining targets. The insturctuer will then walk you through quickly switching between targets and shooting through wooden material. Finally, he'll conclude with a quick grenade tutorial--grab from some the table and lob one into the group of targets by tapping the right-bumper (360) or R1 (PS3).

About Sight Aiming

Not only does is it easier to target enemies while looking down your weapon's sights, but it also enables you to quickly lock-on to a series of targets (aka enemies). As long as your crosshair is within the vicinity of a target, aiming down the sights will automatically center your crosshair on that target! This is not just helpful for targeting a single enemy, but also for targeting a series of enemies, one after the other.

Use Your Objective Indicator to Locate the Pit

With your firearm training complete, follow the on-screen objective indicator to the Pit (located down a corridor on the right side of camp, just past the basketball court).

Intel (1/1)
After stepping into the field just past the basketball hoop, look for the first Intel (a laptop) resting on a shelf by the guard tower in the far left corner.

Shoot as Many Valid Targets as You Can in the Fastest Possible Time

Upon entering the pit, grab a pistol from the table and practice switching weapons--remember, if your ammo clip runs out, it's always faster to switch to your secondary firearm than it is to reload. Now that you're equipped, you'll have to run the course--keep in mind that your performance merely dictates which difficultly the game recommends for you, though you're still free to choose among them, so don't sweat it too much.

Start off using your rifle, only switching to your pistol once you've depleted its clip (you'll have a chance to reload as you climb the first staircase.) Look down your sights to quickly focus in on the enemy targets, but make sure to avoid the civilian ones! Melee the target at the top of the stairs, then drop back into the field and push forward to the end corridor that you should dash down (by pressing the control-thumb stick in).

After completing the pit, climb up the final staircase to the waiting jeeps to complete the tutorial.


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