Looking for a good clan for call of duty modern warfare 2 is the all time best in my books..... now we have call of duty modern warfare 2 game guide need help come here and we will do are best!!! GAME GUIDE`s are here post your game here and ill make my best effort to post the right game guide.... torrents, links and much more become a part of my blog. and YES leave a comment........... i am trying to make this a better blog lots of links to free downloads like movies games tv shows
me playing cod mwf 2
are you still playing call of duty mwf 2
Friday, November 27, 2009
You can unlock the following rewards by meeting the Killstreak requirements below:
* 3 - UAV (Reveals enemies on minimap)
* 4 - Care Package (ammo / killstreak air drop -- can be collected by anyone)
* 4 - Counter UAV (disable enemy maps)
* 5 - Sentry Gun (airdropped)
* 5 - Predator (directed missile)
* 6 - Precision Airstrike (choose a location to bomb)
* 7 - Harrier Strike (choose a location to bomb and defend with a Harrier)
* 7 - Attack Helicopter (helicopter backup)
* 8 - Emergency Airdrop (four ammo / killstreak air drops -- can be collected by anyone)
* 9 - Pave Low (armored helicopter backup)
* 11 - Chopper Gunner (operate a helicopter gun)
* 11 - AC130 (operate a plane gun)
* 15 - EMP (disable enemy electronics)
* 25 - Nuclear Strike (kills all members of both teams)
MW2 rules
Unlockable: Equipment
The following weapons and equipment can be unlocked by attaining the (multiplayer) levels below:
Assault Rifles
* FAMAS - Lvl. 1
* M4A1 Carbine - Lvl. 4
* SCAR-H - Lvl. 8
* TAR-21 - Lvl. 20
* FAL - Lvl. 28
* M16A4 - Lvl. 40
* ACR - Lvl. 48
* F2000 - Lvl. 60
* AK-47 - Lvl. 70
* M14 EBR - Campaign Only
* G3 - Campaign Only
Submachine Guns
* UMP .45 - Lvl. 1
* MP5k - Lvl. 4
* Vector - Lvl. 12
* P90 - Lvl. 24
* Mini Uzi - Lvl. 44
Light Machine Guns
* L86 LSW - Lvl. 1
* RPD - Lvl. 4
* MG4 - Lvl. 16
* AUG HBAR - Lvl. 32
* M240 - Lvl. 52
Sniper Rifles
* CheyTac Intervention - Lvl. 1
* Barrett .50 Cal (AKA M107) - Lvl. 4
* WA2000 - Lvl. 36
* M21 EBR - Lvl. 56
* Dragunov - Campaign Only
Secondary Weapons
* PP-2000 - Machine Pistols Lvl. 1
* Glock 18 - Lvl. 22
* M93 Raffica - Lvl. 38
* TMP - Lvl. 58
* SPAS-12 - Lvl. 1
* AA-12 - Lvl. 12
* Striker - Lvl. 34
* Ranger - Lvl. 42
* M1014 - Lvl. 54
* Winchester 1887 - Lvl. 67
* W1200 - Campaign Only
* USP .45 - Handguns Lvl. 1
* .44 Magnum aka Colt Anaconda - Lvl. 26
* M9 - Lvl. 46
* Desert Eagle - Lvl. 62
* M1911 - Campaign Only
* AT4-HS - Lvl. 1
* Thumper x2 aka M79 grenade launcher - Lvl. 14
* Stinger - Lvl. 30
* Javelin - Lvl. 50
* RPG-7 x2 - Lvl. 65
* Frag Grenade - Lvl. 1
* Semtex - Lvl. 1
* Throwing Knife - Lvl. 7
* Tactical Insertion - Lvl. 11
* Blast Shield - Lvl. 19
* Claymores - Lvl. 31
* C4 - Lvl. 43
* Knife
* Ice Picks
* Smoke grenade
* Stun grenade
* Red Dot Sight
* EOTech Holographic Weapon Sight
* MARS Sight
* ACOG Sight (and various telescopic sights that are specific to certain guns)
* Thermal Scope
* Suppressor
* Grenade Launcher
* Heartbeat Sensor
* Shotgun
* Extended Magazine
* Full Metal Jacket ammunition (replacement for Deep Impact)
* Sniper Scope (will not take up an attachment slot, just like in Call of Duty 4)
* Akimbo
* Rapid Fire (replacement for Double Tap)
* Foregrip
* Tactical Knife
Unlockable: Museum Stage
Complete the campaign on any difficulty to unlock the museum. In each of the exhibit halls with character models, pressing the red button (which helpfully displays "Do NOT Press ...") will immediately bring the characters to life and they will immediately attempt to kill you.
Unlockable: Extra Custom Class Slot
Reach level 70 in multiplayer and enter Prestige Mode to unlock an additional custom class slot for a total of six.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Call Of Duty Modern warfare 2 Glitches How to get On top of Highrise
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Glitches, Hiding Spots, and Jumps
Modern Warfare 2 : Glitches - Under Derail (Wall Rub)
Modern Warfare 2 : Tips And Tricks - Sniping Spot on Underpass
Sunday, November 22, 2009
NICE !!!!
IF you play add GRIMKILLER88 psn
OR post your PSN ID:
well ill be playing tonight so have fun!!!!
grim killer
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 at $510 Million and Counting

Activision Blizzard and Infinity Ward can now safely proclaim what we all have suspected for the better part of a week. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is the biggest entertainment launch in history.
In a scant 5 days, Modern Warfare 2 has gobbled up $510 million worldwide and is well on its way to over $1 billion in total business. The launch is $50 million better than the previous video game record holder Grand Theft Auto IV which sold 6 million units for $500 million in the same time frame.
The success of Modern Warfare 2 does not stop there. Its impressive 5 day totals top the best worldwide box office opening held by Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and the best domestic box office opening by The Dark Knight. Single day records also fell for all of film, video games and even the $220 single day book record held by Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows.
With millions of copies of Modern Warfare 2 in consumers hands, Xbox Live Marketplace records have also been swallowed up in the game's wake. New records include 5.2 million total hours logged on the first day, 2.2 million unique gamers on the first day, and 11 million achievements unlocked on the first day.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 still has plenty of room to keep those sales chugging along with the holiday shopping season sweet spot yet to come, unfavorable economic climate or otherwise.
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009
"Updating Ranks & Unlocks"
Connecting to Matchmaking Server...
Nothing is happening?
If You're Having Issues Connecting To Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer From MidNight Release
* Turn On PS3
* Start Up MW2 Multiplayer
* Press "Click Online"
* Let it search for servers & updates
* If nothing is happening..
* Leave MW2 Multiplayer Online search on. (DON'T TURN OFF PS3)
* Unplugg your Internet Modem while PS3 with MW2 Multiplayer on.
* Replugg your Internet Modem In & Logg back in PSN.
* Click "Press Online" & it should work.
If Your Having Trouble Connecting To Modern Warfare 2 On 11/11/09
The Problem
* Modern Warfare 2 servers crashed with over populated gamers.
* This includes why party invites are crashing.
The Solution
* Sony & I.Ward are working together to fix this issue.
* Patch Coming to fix party invite issue either today or by friday.
The two bugs are trophy and party invite issues, Robert Bowling; Infinity Ward’s community manager has been taking feedback on these issues from Twitter and Tweeted the developer’s intentions about the upcoming patch.
According to Digital Spy, Bowling Tweeted, “Thanks for the feedback from PS3 players. We already have a patch in the wings for release,” he also said, “Trophy update asap. Party invites update by Friday.”
The problem occurs when users try to connect to their friends to play online matches. The second issue occurs in single player mode, certain users have said that trophies have not been unlocking for them.
We have just learned from ps3attitude.com that the update has now been made available. The patch for MW2 is called download version 1.02, the update has a file size of 15MB. This patch will only solve the trophies issue; we are still waiting for the party invite to be resolved, as we said, this should be available on Friday.
Modern Warfare 2 is all set to become the most popular video game of all time, we recently mentioned that Modern Warfare 2 is the Biggest Ever Entertainment Product Launch.
CLICK HERE to keep updated with the latest news, share a comment or problems with products and services. Follow us on twitter or read more Modern Warfare 2 news.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Modern Warfare 2 Accolades
Listed below is just a small portion of the current known Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 accolades.
AFK: No kills/No deaths
Accident Prone: Most suicides
AR Specialist: Most assault rifle kills
Blindfire: Most bullet penetration kills
Bomb Blocker: Most bomb carrier kills
Bomb Expert: Most bombs planted
Boomstick: Most shotgun headshots
Buckshot: Most shotgun kills
Clutch Player: Match Winning Kill
CQB: Most SMG kills
Decimator: Killed entire enemy team without dying
Defuser: Most bombs defused
Devastation: Highest multikill
Dominator: Most points captured
Double Threat: Most kills as flag carrier
Evolver: Most classes changed
Exterminator: Most thumper kills
Flag Capturer: Most flags captured
Flag Returner: Most flags returned
Fragger: Most frag grenade kills
Genocidal: Most multikills
Grassy Knoll: Most time spent prone
Grenadier: Most grenade kills
Grudge Match: Most kills of same player
High Command: Highest average altitude
Hot Potato: Most grenades thrown back
Loaner: Most kills with enemy weapons
Lockdown: Most time spent in one place
Lock and Load: Most reloads
Marksman: Most longshots
Nomad: Longest distance travelled
Overkill: Most kills/Most headshots
Pathfinder: Most UAV's
Rescuer: Most rescues
Semtex Pro: Most semtex kills
Smoking Gun: Most pistol headshots
Sneaker: Most time spent crouched
Sniper: Most stationary kills
Sprayer: Most hipfire kills
Stunner: Most stun grenade hits
Survivalist: Most equipment kills
Switchblade: Most knife kills
Terminal: Shortest life
Top Gun: Most airstrikes
Unbreakable: Most bullets deflected
Unstoppable: Longest killstreak
Upriser: Most kills of higher rank
Vengeful: Most paybacks
Weapon Rack: Most weapon swaps
Here are all the Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer maps.
Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Maps
Here are all the Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer maps.
Medium sized open desert. Intense Demolition battles.
Trainwreck in a large snowy area. Epic large battles.
Cabin in the woods. Fight for control of the cabin.
Alleyways of Brazil. Great for all game modes and all sizes.
Rooftop skyscraper. Hectic Domination games.
City in the desert. Classic street to street firefights.
Ravaged desert town. Tactical street fights abound.
Medium-sized quarry. Intense Capture the Flag matches.
Village in Brazil. Fight from all angles.
Tiny desert sandstorm. Fast-paced action on a small map.
Small airplane graveyard. Great for any number of players.
Urban city fighting. In and out of apartments close range engagements.
Sub Base
Snowy submarine base. Great vertical gameplay.
Medium-sized airport. Great for all game modes.
Rainy underpass. Good balance of medium to long range fighting.
Chernobyl in the open. Great for snipers and long range firefights.
and tell me if you found what you where looking for :) or what you want
thank you
any one going to play call of duty mwf 1 tonight
Call of Duty(R): Modern Warfare(R) 2 Storms Into Retail Stores
"From day one the goal was to bring our fans around the world the most riveting and authentic experience we’ve ever created in Modern Warfare 2," said Vince Zampella, CEO of Infinity Ward. "Every design from the smallest detail was crafted to place gamers in the center of their own epic, action movie -- with the suspense, excitement and adrenaline as if they were starring themselves."
"By all indicators, we anticipate Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be the biggest entertainment launch of all time. As of today, the number of pre-order reservations we’ve taken for the game is the highest for any title we’ve ever sold in our 6,200 store network," said Tony Bartel, executive vice president, merchandising and marketing, GameStop Corp.
Following an unprecedented number of pre-order reservations across the globe, the sequel to the best selling first person action game in history kicked-off its worldwide invasion earlier today with a series of midnight celebrations from Sydney to London, Paris to New York. In the U.S., more than 10,000 retail outlets opened doors precisely at midnight to sell the much sought-after title.
Picking up following the historic events of Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®, Modern Warfare 2 completely immerses players in one of the most intense storylines, filled with unexpected plot twists and death-defying battles set in exotic locales across the globe. As gamers fight to save the world from annihilation, the soundtrack of Academy Award®, Golden Globe® Award and Grammy® Award winning composer Hans Zimmer sets the dark and ominous tone for a truly cinematic gaming experience. Modern Warfare 2 marks the first time that the legendary artist has scored a video game.
Delivering the complete package, in addition to the heart-racing intensity of the single player campaign, Modern Warfare 2 also offers an entirely new gameplay mode, "Special Ops," which supports 2-player co-operative play via online or split screen dropping gamers into a surplus of time-trial and objective-based missions. As players rank-up, ever challenging missions are unlocked, including highlights from the single player campaign, fan favorites from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and all new, exclusive missions. While, the all-new Multiplayer mode raises the bar even higher from the world-record setting online play from its predecessor delivering new capabilities, customization, gamestates and modes, including customizable killstreaks, accolades and new create-a-class features.
Modern Warfare 2 is rated "M" (Mature) by the ESRB for Blood, Drug Reference, Intense Violence and Language and is available now for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and Windows® PC for a suggested retail price of $59.99.
Gamers have numerous options to enhance the Modern Warfare 2 experience with the Xbox 360 Limited Edition Console featuring a 250GB hard drive, Xbox 360 headset, two wireless controllers and a standard edition copy of the game. Xbox LIVE gamers will also be the first to get their hands on two Modern Warfare 2 map packs coming first to Xbox 360. Also available now for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation®3 system are the Modern Warfare 2 Collector’s Edition packages, including the Hardened Edition, which contains a token to download Call of Duty® Classic, a limited edition SteelBook(TM) case and the "Behind the Lines" collector’s artbook, and the individually numbered, one-time only limited quantity Prestige Edition, which includes the Hardened Edition plus a pair of fully functioning night vision goggles and an individually numbered "Soap MacTavish" night vision goggles collectors’ stand.
Also available today for Nintendo DS(TM) is Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare®: Mobilized. Developed exclusively by n-Space, the DS title delivers a unique storyline and an arsenal of handheld features. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized is rated "T" (Teen) by the ESRB for Blood, Mild Language and Violence with a suggested retail price of $29.99.
Additionally, for Wii(TM) fans Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® Reflex Edition is also now available. A port by Treyarch of the record-setting and award-winning, original Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, the title is rated "M" (Mature) by the ESRB for Blood and Gore, Intense Violence and Strong Language and has a suggested retail price of $49.99.
Modern Warfare 2 press kit assets are available for download at http://www.activision.com/index.html#presscenter|en_US. Players anxious to answer the call can visit www.modernwarfare2.com for more information and updates.
do you paly call of duty mwf
PSN: and ill add you
winners for call of duty mwf 2
* DaltyDalt
* AxelFoley
* maronupe
* danneliitoo
* C_Swingler92
Congratulations to all of you! An email with details about how to claim the prize has been sent to you!
Monday, November 9, 2009
gamers call of duty mwf 2 is here
By Marc Saltzman
For many gamers who’ve circled Nov. 10 on their calendars, this has been a long time coming. But the sequel to Infinity Ward’s Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is now available.
Modern Warfare 2 - aThe follow-up to the 13+ million-selling Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is now on store shelves, and after playing through a few of the game’s campaigns, let’s just say fans of the franchise won’t be disappointed.
Played from a gripping first-person perspective, this military shooter once again challenges players to stay alive while taking down baddies — a Russian ultranationalist organization threatening world security — by engaging in (mostly) close-quartered fighting with modern weapons.
Choose between a myriad of solo and multiplayer game modes, and huge and fully interactive environments — ranging from the snow-capped mountains of Kazakhstan to the gritty streets of Rio de Janeiro.
If you missed the latest HD trailer on the “Mature-rated game ($59.99; for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC), check it out here:
post what your thinking about the game its going to be the best war game out there
Monday, November 2, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
A man escapes from prison where he has been for 15 years. He breaks into a house to look for money and guns and finds a young couple in bed.
He orders the guy out of bed and ties him to a chair, while tying the girl to the bed he gets on top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up and goes into the bathroom. While he's in there, the husband tells his wife:
"Listen, this guy's an escaped convict, look at his clothes! He probably spent lots of time in jail and hasn't seen a woman in years. I saw how he kissed your neck." If he wants sex, don't resist, don't complain, do whatever he tells you. Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you. This guy is probably very dangerous. If he gets angry, he'll kill us. Be strong, honey. I love you."
To which his wife responds: "He wasn't kissing my neck. He wwas whispering in my ear. He told me he was gay, thought you were cute, and asked me if we had any vaseline. I told him it was in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I love you too!!"