Act I: Team Player
Protect the Bridge Layer
Training's over soldier, now this is war. Immediately seek cover behind the truck (or inside the building) on the left and just hang tight for a while. Don't bother shooting the targets across the river yet, and instead conserve your ammo. Switch to your grenade launcher when the on-screen message indicates so just to appease it (by tapping left on the control-pad), though we recommend switching back to your rifle afterward. Before long, a truck will drop off some enemies on the far end of the bridge--pick them off from behind the truck by using your rifle's sights.Get in Your Humvee
After killing the enemies that departed from the truck, hightail it to the Humvees via the staircase on the left. Climb inside the closest vehicle that pulls up, with the flashing yellow seat.
Stand by for Airstrike
We know you'll be tempted to try out the mounted gatling gun, but resist firing until after the next objective appears, when you stop at the large building with enemies on the rooftop.Destroy Targets of Opportunity
Upon reaching the large enemy-infested building, feel free to open fire. But don't worry about being too accurate as--at least on the lower difficulties--you cannot die during this segment (unless you blow up a nearby vehicle, so try not to do that). After pulling out, you'll wind up on a short roller coaster ride through the city before being flipped over by an RPG. Immediately seek cover inside the building on the right.Terminate the Enemy Presence in the School
As soon as you enter the school, crouch behind the sandbags and target the enemies ahead. Clear out the classroom on the right (which may contain two enemies) before climbing the staircase in the back. After entering the hallway at the top, take cover behind the boxes on the right and peek around them to take down a pair of enemies by the windows ahead.With the hall clear, take cover by the next corner (just past the classroom) to clear out the enemies around it. As you approach the room at the end of that second hall, get ready to take cover on either side in order to target enemies that storm in ahead. Push forward to that room and use the central column as a shield while you target enemies down a third corridor.
Intel (1/2)
Look for this intel on the second floor of the school, in the classroom just before you exit outside.

With the area clear, exit out the left side of the hall and follow your squad down the street to an alley on the right. Hang back and take aim at the enemies that dart in ahead. Look for this intel on the second floor of the school, in the classroom just before you exit outside.
Intel (2/2)
Immediately after exiting the school, you'll find this intel on a crate adjacent to a taxi.

Immediately after exiting the school, you'll find this intel on a crate adjacent to a taxi.