Act I: No Russian
Offensive Content?
Upon reaching this mission, the game will caution that it may cause offense to some players, and will offer the choice of skipping the mission. Choosing to skip the mission does not, in any way, impact the remainder of the game. There is no intel to be found, nor are there any achievements/trophies to obtain, so feel free to skip it if you're unsure of the level's content.
Follow Makarov's Lead
Keep behind Makarov and his comrades as you trail them through the airport, as they'll have no reservations about shooting you if you get in the way. That aside, note that you do not need to shoot anyone at all until you encounter the police outside, but you won't be penalized for doing so either--it's up to you.
As you step out onto the tarmac, you'll spot a line of police officers emerging from the smoke equipped with riot shields. Quickly seek cover down the ramp ahead. Now switch to your grenade launcher and use it--while peeking over the wall--to clear out the initial wave.

With the first wave down, grab one of their dropped shields (but swap weapons first, so that you don't accidentally ditch the grenade launcher) before the smoke screen dissipates and use it to push forward to the next point of cover. We suggest taking residence by the green electrical boxes on the right--it may seem far, but you can easily launch grenades from here to clear the enemies ahead. After clearing the next wave, you may have to step forward a bit to trigger the next group of enemies--after doing so, we suggest returning to this point of cover and targeting the enemies appear both ahead, as well as in the walkway above. When the SWAT truck rolls in, toss a grenade its way to destroy it, quickly taking down the departing SWAT members.
As you pass through a corridor, another SWAT truck will roll in ahead. Duck behind a recessed portion of wall on the right and fire at them from around it. Once clear, follow your team down a ramp ahead, leading to the get-away vehicle.
1 comment:
thanks so much its so hard to find all the Intel and will you be putting act 3 two :)
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