Act II: Wolverines!
Follow Sgt Foley
After exiting the vehicle, follow your squad down the alley on the right. Trail them through town until you reach a house, just before a BTR. Wait for it to roll past, then follow Sgt. Foley to a car on the street for cover.While behind the car, lob a smoke grenade at the BTR. In just a few moments, it'll unleash a smoke screen, allowing you to safely run past the BTR--stick to the right side of the street to duck into an alley just beyond. Immediately take cover behind the dumpster there and target the enemies beyond.
Intel (1/4)
Check inside the gas station to find the intel resting on the counter.

With the gas station cleared, follow Foley across the street to a car, just in front of Nate's restaurant.Check inside the gas station to find the intel resting on the counter.
Intel (2/4)
Head inside the CRB Financial building (just across from Nates) and look for this intel on a desk, next to the "Foreign Exchange" window.

Head inside the CRB Financial building (just across from Nates) and look for this intel on a desk, next to the "Foreign Exchange" window.
Intel (3/4)
Look inside the dumpster just outside the Burger Town restaurant for this intel.

Look inside the dumpster just outside the Burger Town restaurant for this intel.
Intel (4/4)
Enter the Taco restaurant through the door directly opposite Nate's and look for this intel on a counter.

Enter the Taco restaurant through the door directly opposite Nate's and look for this intel on a counter.
Get to the Roof of Nate's Restaurant
You heard the Sergent! The entrance into Nate's is just behind you--head inside and make a left to enter the kitchen, where you'll find the ladder leading to the roof.Eliminate the Enemy Assault
On the roof? Good--as you're going to have hold off some inbound troops from here. You may have noticed an automated turret by the roof's ledge--you can move this baby around by grabbing it like any other weapon, but leave it its current location for now. On either side of the turret are some trip-mines and a thermal rifle--if you want, you can set up the mines around the various rooftop entrance (such as by the ladder, or gaps in the wall), but we actually recommend ignoring them and instead using only the turret and the rifle, as you don't have much time.After grabbing the thermal rifle, use its scope to pick off the enemies attacking from the north--the more enemies you take down, the fewer you'll have to deal with climbing onto your rooftop. Of course, your peripheral vision is limited when using the scope, so be sure to zoom out between targets to quickly acquire another. If you run low on ammo at any point, an ammo box behind you provides an unlimited supply.
Rooftop Intruders!
If any enemies breach the roof, grab the turret and spin it around so it faces the enemies as they clamber onto the roof--it'll mow them down in a jiffy!

Before long, Sargent Foley will alert you to more troops inbound from the south, which is the direct opposite ledge. Grab the turret and plant it down on the opposite ledge, then use your thermal scope again to pick off the inbound troops--you'll need the thermal scope to see through the smoke screen they set up. Remember, if any enemies get onto the roof, reposition the turret so it faces them, then take cover behind any of the rooftop's structures if you need to. Once you've cleared out the attacking forces, drop back inside the restaurant when the sergeant instructs you to.If any enemies breach the roof, grab the turret and spin it around so it faces the enemies as they clamber onto the roof--it'll mow them down in a jiffy!
Obtain the Predator Drone Control Rig
After dropping into the restaurant, you'll be tasked with grabbing the predator drone control rig from the diner across the street--which is teeming with enemies. The best way to go about this is to exit through the door you entered from, and head around the backside of the burning helicopter wreckage--now run parallel to it, across the street and make your way to the marked diner.As you approach the diner, crouch before one of the windows for cover, enabling you to target the enemies inside. When clear, enter the diner and grab the control rig from the counter.
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