Act I: Takedown
Capture Roja's Right-Hand Man Alive
Enjoy the car ride--it won't last long. When the car parks, get ready to crouch by the seat (by tapping the "crouch" button) as soon as the gunmen open fire, otherwise you'll find your brain smeared all over the seat. After getting out of the car, follow your squadmate around the corner, after the perpetrator!Fight to the Top of the Favela and Capture Rojas
With the right-hand man captured, follow your squad up the stairs to a broken fence overlooking some civilians below.Intel (1/4)
The first piece of intel can be found during the first village section, inside a house with barbed-wire windows. Here's how to find it: Work your way through town, up to the staircase leading to the fence where the dog attempts to attack. From that fence, turn around and follow the right wall. Continue through the first open building on the right--upon exiting, enter the first entrancway on the left ahead, just past the motorcycle. You'll find your Intel inside.

The first piece of intel can be found during the first village section, inside a house with barbed-wire windows. Here's how to find it: Work your way through town, up to the staircase leading to the fence where the dog attempts to attack. From that fence, turn around and follow the right wall. Continue through the first open building on the right--upon exiting, enter the first entrancway on the left ahead, just past the motorcycle. You'll find your Intel inside.
After climbing the stairs, a dog will try and get at you from the other side of the fence on the right--shoot him head before he comes at you from another direction.Now take cover behind the dumpster on the left, just ahead, and take aim at the baddies on the rooftops ahead.
Push forward, ready to target an enemy who'll surprise you through the green window just ahead (right of the stairs). After killing him, follow the house around the corner to a ladder. Don't climb it--instead use that corner for cover as you target the enemies around it, which in turn will cause a few more to appear on the rooftop to your left--back up to deal with them. Also be wary of any opponents on the roof, to which the ladder leads--take them down when they peek over to target you.
Intel (2/4)
When you encounter this house with the ladder (just before a hill), climb it to a room containing the intel.

When you encounter this house with the ladder (just before a hill), climb it to a room containing the intel.
Intel (3/4)
After climbing the hill by the house with the ladder, enter the brick building on the left to find the intel on a small table in the back room.

After clearing the area past the ladder, climb that hill to a low wall on the right you can duck behind. From here, take aim at the red barrel ahead to clear out most of the enemies, then pick off the stragglers. Now continue up the street a ways to the next wall, on the right--take cover there too to cap a few more enemies still inside the nearby buildings. After climbing the hill by the house with the ladder, enter the brick building on the left to find the intel on a small table in the back room.
Intel (4/4)
You'll come across a burning car near the end of the level. Enter the building on the right and head down the stairs within to find the final piece of intel.

Once you've cleaned up, venture down an alley on the left, just ahead, and watch (but don't shoot!) as Favela falls right into your squad's hands--how nice of him!You'll come across a burning car near the end of the level. Enter the building on the right and head down the stairs within to find the final piece of intel.
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